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Spay & Neuter

Our spay and neuter services at Al Hayat Veterinary Clinic help promote your pet's health and prevent unwanted litters.

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Spay and neuter pets

Your Reliable Partner in Caring for Your Pet’s Health At Al Hayat Veterinary Clinic, we understand the importance of your pet’s health and well-being. Our clinic offers specialized spay and neuter services, designed to provide the best care for your beloved pets. Focusing on safety, comfort, and recovery, our experienced veterinary team uses the latest techniques and provides compassionate care. By choosing Al Hayat Veterinary Clinic for your pet’s spay and neuter needs, you are ensuring a healthier, happier life for your furry family members. Trust us to be your partner in responsible pet ownership.

What is Sterilization in Pets?
Sterilization is a process used by veterinarians to permanently prevent reproduction in pets. This can be achieved through surgical proceduresor medications injected into the animal’s bloodstream. Sterilization helps protect you and others who live with your pet from unwanted offspring.If you have a dog or cat with young pups at home, they should be spayed or neutered before they reach sexual maturity to prevent them from having more babies.

Benefits of Pet Sterilization to Their Health Your Pet Will Not Gain Weight Due to Spaying or Neutering:
Pets gain weight for the same reasons as humans—insufficient physical activity and overeating. A pet that gets enough exercise and eats a balanced diet will remain fit and healthy.

Spaying Your Female Pet Will Prolong Her Life:
Spaying your kitten between 3 and 6 months of age can almost eliminate her risk of developing mammary cancer as an adult. It also protects against various uterine and ovarian diseases and malignancies.

Neutered Animals Are Happier at Home:
Neutered tomcats are less likely to leave the house and fight with other male cats, leading to longer lifespans. The same applies to neutered dogs, as they are less likely to wander in search of a mate, reducing their risk of accidents or fights.

Behavioral Effects of Pet Sterilization Spayed Animals Do Not Go Into Heat:    
Your spayed female pet will not enter estrus, avoiding frequent urination and yowling to attract a mate.

A Male Dog Will Not Leave the House:
Neutered male dogs are less likely to roam or escape in search of a mate, reducing their risk of injury.

Neutered Pets Are More Well-Behaved:
Neutered pets are less likely to engage in territorial marking or aggressive behaviors, and spaying or neutering can prevent some aggression issues.

Cat Sterilization
Cat sterilization is a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership,especially in Dubai, where the population of feral and domestic cats issignificant. This process includes neutering (for male cats) and spaying (forfemale cats), which help control the cat population and reduce the number ofhomeless cats. In Dubai, neutering and spaying are widely advocated to ensurethe health and well-being of cats and maintain a balanced urban animalpopulation.

Dog Sterilization
Dog sterilization is an essential measure for responsible petownership, especially in a city like Dubai. This procedure includes neutering(for males) and spaying (for females) to control unwanted breeding and reduceaggressive behaviors and the risk of certain health issues. These proceduresare strongly recommended in Dubai to ensure the health and well-being of dogsand maintain a balanced and humane urban animal population.


1.How Long Does the Procedure Take?    
Your veterinarian will use a local anesthetic to numb the area, and the procedure takes about 30 minutes under general anesthesia. The entire process is performed in a sterile environment to prevent infection.

2.Is There Any Pain Involved?
The     pain is usually mild and can be managed with painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol.

3.Can I Get My Pet Spayed While Pregnant?
Yes, your veterinarian can perform a sterilization procedure on your pet during pregnancy. The risks are the same as for non-pregnant animals.

4.Does Sterilization Change My Pet’s Behavior?
Sterilization reduces the number of puppies and kittens born, helps prevent roaming and fighting, and can prevent certain behaviors like spraying or aggression.

5.Do Castrated Animals Live Longer?    
Yes, castrated animals tend to live longer due to the reduction in testosterone, which can lead to more aggressive behavior and a higher risk of certain cancers.