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Pet Dental Care

We offer complete dental care services at Al Hayat Veterinary Clinic, including cleanings, treatment for dental diseases, and preventive care.

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It’s essential to know that pets can have dental problems. If your dog or cat develops pain in the mouth or difficulty chewing or swallowing, it’s time for a checkup at Al Hayat Veterinary Clinic. Some signs of poor dental care include bad breath, gum disease, and tooth loss. Regular dental care at home is also crucial for keeping your pet happy and healthy.

When Is It Worth Contacting a Vet Dentist?
If you notice an unpleasant smell or significant tartar buildup on your pet’s teeth, it’s time to schedule an appointment with a vet dentist. Contact the vet immediately if your pet has dental problems, such as loose teeth or tooth decay.

Frequent Dental Problems in Cats and Dogs
Cats and dogs need regular dental exams for oral infections, broken teeth, bad breath, and other signs of oral disease. Dogs should visit the vet at least once every six months, while cats should be seen every three months or more often if symptoms suggest a problem.

Why Does Dentistry Require Anesthesia?
Many dogs and cats are afraid of the dentist. Anesthesia ensures that your pet doesn’t feel any pain during the procedure and helps prevent them from moving around during surgery.

Why Is Regular Veterinary Dental Care Necessary?
Regular dental care is essential to prevent tooth decay and gum disease, especially in senior pets. It also helps maintain good breath and overall oral health.

Pet’s Dental Care at Home
Brushing your pet’s teeth is an essential part of their dental care. It’s best to brush your pet’s teeth twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and pet-safe toothpaste.

Visit to the Veterinary Dentist
A visit to a pet dental clinic at Al Hayat Veterinary Clinic is the first step in ensuring your pet’s oral health. Services offered include oral examinations, dental cleaning, tooth extractions, treatment of oral diseases, dental X-rays, and more.

1. What Are the Causes of Pet Dental Problems?
Pet dental problems are often caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, diet, and a lack of proper oral hygiene.

2. How Often Should Dogs Have Their Teeth Cleaned by a Vet?
The frequency depends on the pet’s age, health, and breed. Most dogs under two years old should have their teeth cleaned every four months, while older breeds may require annual visits.

3. How Much Does a Dog Dentist Cost?    
The cost depends on the type of work needed. Regular checkups are recommended at least every six months.